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Where can purchase The Culling?

There are 2 locations you can currently purchase The Culling:
Steam and the Official Website.

Please note, if purchasing from the Official Website, adblock has been known to interfere with the Humble Bundle widget, if you are experiencing problems, please turn off adblock and try again.

When does Early Access start?

Early Access begins March 8th. The Devs, praise be unto them, have moved the date up to today! March, 4th! Get out there and Cull!

Where can I find out about upcoming features and planned changes?

There is a Development Roadmap that features a small portion of what the team is looking to implement, and requests from the community. This is a good indication that the team is listening to it's community and trying to plan accordingly.

These items include, but are not limited to:

  1. Female character model

  2. Regional servers

  3. In-game voice chat

  4. More maps

  5. Map "effects": Weather, Day vs. Night, etc.

  6. New weapons and items

  7. "Modded" arrows: Explosive arrows, poisoned arrows, etc.

  8. Ranked gameplay

  9. "Private" games. For LAN parties or custom tournaments

  10. Much more to be announced

    Also to be noted, not all these features are guaranteed to be added to the game. Many are community requests that they have added into the realm of "maybe".

What does F.U.N.C. stand for?

While this is covered in the Tutorial, which I suggest you play, it may be hard to hear or pay attention to amidst the chaos. F.U.N.C. stands for "Flexible Universal Nano Compound". "Wtf is that?" you say? Flexible Universal Nano Compound basically breaks down materials in the environment to their basic elements, and reassembles them into the appropriate craftable based on what is combined with what.

Credit to Cheshire (Head Mod-reddit)
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